Ting device is an important feature of this time, every ear is different from the later corresponds to a full features. Ge belly full bags of mostly sub-file-like, three empty cone feet, neck concave, the second straight ears. By the help of the bronze sculpture, it signifies the solemn and dignify of royal majesty. Watch for and Gui rare bottle alloy, rim and no ears who have ears, closed under the steamer body, Ge bags full of points like crotch. If Huangpi dragon unearthed two Gui, are as deep belly, have a high ring foot, a no ears, a wide abdomen has a pair of animal ears. Found from the current data to see the two shapes is the parallel development of Gui.
Wine in the halo, as flat feet or bags like. Jazz waist adduction have been obvious, in addition to double-column Jue, the mouth of the stream appeared on the bifurcation of the single-column Jazz. Goblet body short short, without partition segment. Among the bronze statue decorations of Shang and Zhou, you can see the ways of ward-off evils by the deified animal eating man. Kaifeng City Museum has a seal 121 to save the goblet, very novel. This is a special case of goblet shape. Beijing Pinggu Yu Liu River, the type copper, round puff, three feet, covered with Ti Liang, shoulders a short stream. Base cylindrical belly or long round belly, shoulders device often sheep hair. Copper wine container for long or round belly round belly, ring foot high. Respect for the round belly, big extravagant mouth, high ring foot.
Water control panel to make more round belly close, fold along the high ring foot, engrave on ring foot hole. If Pinggu Liu River unearthed a copper coil, also on the Handicap cast along two birds column. Vortex pattern unearthed in Zhengzhou, Yu-chu, the bottom center of the glenoid up a column. This kind of china bronze sculpture reflects the struggle between God and the devil. Were bacteria-like capitals, column height 8 cm. Such characteristics of the glenoid, is a commercial post, such as the tomb of Fu Hao steamer steam column-shaped, Northwest Gang Houjiazhuang 1005 spin large tomb unearthed in Yu Long a leader in the column. This feature even in the Warring States Period, Zhongshan, Hebei Hirayama tomb of 6 birds pedestal is also to be seen. Basin center a column. Ming Li a stigma being called birds. Shape of the bronze weapons are: Ge, aid stenosis.
There are upper and lower bar, and some have a small hole within the center. Copper ax, takes the shape of a rectangle, in a round hole, curved blade. Spear, like willow-shaped body, from the central ridge, near the hook eye of an ax at a pair of New York. This chinese bronze sculpture also indirectly expresses the fight between man and nature. Zu for the wings style. During this period the bronze decoration, made from the whole surface has a simple rustic style, mostly single no shading, a common taotie Kui often two opposite patterns formed. And often ring bands as taotie upper and lower boundaries. Animal Mask, some more simple, just cast on each side of the door leaf edges out of a dot represents gluttonous eyes, nose Fei edge on behalf of Animal mask. And some will be made with Kui Yang pattern.
Particularly prominent Kui's eyes. At this time there is a single pattern for the decoration of the Kui, such as Huangpi dragon unearthed Yue, Yue Rui on the body sides and decorated Kui pattern. For instance, the you(卣) of tiger eats man, one wine bronze sculpture, is made of a tiger sitting on feet. Another Yunlei Wen, round vortex pattern, nipples pattern, straight Xianwen and chevron Xianwen, Yu Wen, tortoises, tiger, snake pattern and so on. On the whole, then the pattern lines, simple sloppiness, round to smooth. Addition to flat on the carved decorations outside. Began to appear in relief. For example, in 1982, Zhengzhou caches bronze statue in the shoulders with the plow, the first decorated with cattle and sheep first. Emerging relief decoration, decorative objects for the late Shang Dynasty bronze laid the foundation for continued innovation.
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