Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bronze tool magazine

The advantage is simple structure, for the bronze knife a short time only about. Unfortunately, the bronze sculpturehad been so valuable for other uses.  However, due to the limitations of the spatial location of the spindle number is not too much, usually only applies to the process less, not high precision machine tools, such as CNC drilling.
CNC milling machine. In recent years there have been a robot and turret head with a bronze knife library wrap-for-bronze knife device, as shown in Figure. It is actually the turret head for the bronze knife device and a bronze knife library type to change the combination of bronze knife device. The principle is as follows 15-sl: 10 master's degree thesis. Bronze tool magazine. Mechanical hand. Bronze knife spindle. Turret head. The workbench Figure robot and turret head with two bronze knife spindle and bronze knife library-for-bronze knife wrap bronze knife device on the turret head, when the bronze knife spindle bronze knife processing. Many bronze sculpturewill have been smelted down in times of war.
 By the robot will bronze knife next need to change to does not work the bronze knife spindle, pending the procedure is completed, the turret head rotation 1800, to complete the exchange bronze knife. Most of the time and processing time because of its for-bronze knife coincidence, really-for-bronze knife just turret head turn a bit for bronze knife is mainly used for numerical control drilling machine, CNC boring. Many of the bronze sculpturewhich weren’t used for weaponry purposes were smelted to create new sculptures.  With a bronze knife libraries wrap bronze knife system shown in Figure 2.4 library for the bronze knife and machine tools for the appearance of the overall type of CNC machine tools. Figure 2.5 shows the bronze knife libraries and machine tools for the appearance of the split of CNC machine tools.
 At this point, the capacity of the bronze knife large bronze knife can be heavy, and often additional transport units to complete the transport of the bronze tool magazine and the spindle between the bronze knife.

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