To improve the positioning accuracy, specify bronze knife go to two places
away from taking the bronze blade deceleration. If the setting is 20, the
current value of 3, 20 - 3 = 17 <20, set to reverse signs; if the setting is
25, the current value of 3, then 25 - 3 = 22> 20, set Forward signs.
present value of 3, 1-3 = -2, -2 +40 = 38> 20, set forward flags; 38> 20,
after less than half of treatment, 40 a 38 = 2 <20, is set to slow down
signs. 3. Input / output relay address allocation table as shown in Table 4.1
automatically change the device and its control of the bronze knife in Table 4.1
Input / Output relay address allocation program components I / O terminals IO. O
IO. 1 IO. The two circuits in the S10 Sll the S12 S13, S1 S2 S3 S4, Hl, H2, H3,
H4 in K1, the K2 K3, K4, K5, the role of the operator panel control switch on
the automatic way to start the switch manually to start the switch input relay
stop switch 16 settings the state of the input control switch status display
automatically the way to display the status of the manually count pulse
detection. From the bronze sculpturerealizes that she once presided over some of
the important sacrifice activities and many times led armies to conquer the Tu
Fang. bronze sculptureDiverted to the Aspect of Utensils
Bronze knife in
place signal display to reach the location of the display Q4.1 output relay
motor counter-clockwise (reverse) contactor motor clockwise (forward) contactor
motor deceleration stop signal of contactor motor commutation bronze knife . In
the Shang that attached great importance to the war and the bronze sculpture.
Wrap bronze knife wrap bronze knife control flowchart in Figure 4.3 40 Journal
Wrap bronze knife device and its control in Figure 4.3 Wrap bronze knife Control
Program control flow graph bronze knife library robot and spindle wrap bronze
knife program design one. Initialize the detection of a variety of alarm, the
program is cleared and the judge CNC bronze knife library Bronze knife for the
success of the Journal when the alarm signal, the CNC election success of bronze
knife for bronze knife.
When the conditions are met-for-bronze knife, by the
CNC issued for the instruction of bronze knives,
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