Monday, March 11, 2013

to familiarize you with the gym

A pound of muscle burns 50 calories per day compared to a pound of fat burning calories a day around nine p.m..If you can get 10 pounds of muscle you will burn an extra 500 calories a day.In this way you will lose 4 pounds a month. Don't get me wrong on aerobic exercise, I think it is very important to your lida daidaihua weight loss plan. It also has a good about a mile long list from the rate of heart disease, lower depression.However, you must put your weight training program in aerobic exercise, if you really want to lida daidaihua lose weight.
If you are not familiar with weight training exercises may be a good idea to hire a personal trainer to familiarize you with the gym.Also try to subscribe to magazines such as men's health and shape usually write Abecedarian Project, hope people started weight training project.
If you are a woman, afraid of the "fat" please follow me, "I will not become cumbersome from weight training".This is perhaps the biggest misunderstanding, woman of weight training.Too "swell" your body needs anabolic hormones exist naturally in a higher level of. Unless you are a female bodybuilders take steroids opportunity to grow very little. Weight training will only leave you with a toner, find the slim body better.Interesting fact: Hollywood siren Marilyn Monro weightlifting. Fitness experts use the term "stage" to add a variety of exercise.Cycle is a strategy to keep your body in training hit a plateau.Cycle a suggestion should be like this.
The first step: heavy resistance exercise for 4 - 6 weeks (6 - 12 per set).Please limit the aerobic exercise for 1 - 2 days a week.Yes I do mean that only 1 to 2 days a week light aerobic exercise.Vigorous aerobic exercise can inhibit your weight training to wear more lean muscle mass as the ultimate goal of the new supersedes the old.
The second step: 4 - 6 weeks of moderate weight training and aerobic exercise.This stage is when you have established some muscle.Now is the time to add some aerobic exercise top elevated metabolism reduced fat storage.Your week to 3 days, 3 days of a resistance movement of aerobics.
The third step: 1 - 3 weeks is mainly aerobic exercise and weight training.You should do the 5 days of aerobic exercise and 2 days of body weight training. This cycle is complete repeat back to the first stage.

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